2024-2025 Executive Board

Chris Ray
President • Culleoka, TN
Chris was elected to the Executive Board in 2017, and is in his third year serving as President of the NIAIA. He recently retired as a Captain with the Tennessee Highway Patrol after 33 years in law enforcement. During his career with the THP, Chris worked duty assignments in Patrol, Protective Services, Criminal Investigation Division, and as an Investigator in the Office of Professional Accountability. For the past seven years, Chris oversaw the department's Office of Professional Accountability. He began his law enforcement career in 1991 with the Waynesboro, Tennessee, Police Department. Chris is a graduate of Bethel University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, and is also a graduate of Northwestern University’s School of Police Staff and Command. Chris and his wife, Vicky, reside on the family farm in Culleoka, Tennessee.
Craig Snider
Vice President • Murfreesboro, TN
Craig is a life-long resident of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and a 1997 graduate of Middle Tennessee State University. He began his career at the Murfreesboro Police Department in 1997 as one of only two part-time officers ever hired. He quickly transferred to full-time status in the Uniform Division. During his time in the Uniform Division, he was assigned to the Community Oriented Policing unit and taught D.A.R.E. part-time. He served as a detective for approximately ten years. In August of 2011, he was assigned to the Operations Division as part of the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). He is a 2017 graduate of the Southeastern Leadership Academy from the University of Tennessee and was promoted to Captain of Operations in 2024.
Craig is married to Amy Snider and they have one son in college. Craig and Amy love to travel and explore the world together.

Tamra Alstatt
Treasurer • Montrose, CO
Tamra graduated from the Colorado POST Training Spring Valley Academy in December 2000 and started her law enforcement career with the Eagle County Sheriff’s Office in May 2001. She started as a patrol officer, moved into the Crime Prevention Unit, and ended her career there as a Detective specializing in sexual assault crimes, sexual offenders and registration, forensic interviewing of children, and undercover internet operations.
Tamra joined the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office (GCSO) in March 2008 as a Detective assigned to the Professional Standards Division where she conducted internal affairs investigations, background investigations, internal audits, and reviews of all Use of Force reports. Tamra was also a Certified Voice Stress Analysis (CVSA) Examiner, as well as a member of the National Association of Certified Voice Stress Analysts, conducting hundreds of pre-employment examinations since 2009. Tamra was also part of creating and leading the organization’s Trauma Team, which assisted and coordinated with employees and their families, as well as other agencies and families, who had experienced a traumatic event, injury, or line of duty death.
Tamra joined the NIAIA in 2012 as a Regional Executive Committee Member and was elected Treasurer in October 2015. Tamra’s husband, who is also in law enforcement, was promoted and transferred out of their area, so in April 2023, she retired from the GCSO. They relocated to Montrose, Colorado, in May 2023.

Craig McMillan
Recording Secretary • Kelowna, British Columbia
Craig retired from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as a Sergeant with over 31 years of policing. He has performed both uniformed and plain clothes duties in several sections. He has been qualified as an expert witness in over 15 different types of drugs in British Columbia Provincial and Supreme Courts. Craig spent the last 19 years of his career in Professional Standards and was the senior internal investigator for the RCMP, having conducted workplace investigations in multiple provinces and territories across Canada. Craig has conducted workplace investigations for both municipal police and indigenous police agencies in British Columbia.
Craig has been a primary facilitator on the RCMP’s Workplace Responsibility Investigators Course since the enactment of the new RCMP Act in 2014 and has facilitated training across Canada. He is a trained harassment investigator and an instructor/trainer in ethics. Craig has been involved with the development of policy relating to internal investigations at both the provincial and national level. Craig also assisted in the development of the RCMP’s online Conduct Authority Course.
Craig has a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology from the University of Manitoba. He has been a member of the National Internal Affairs Investigators Association (NIAIA) in the United States for 19 years and has served on both the Regional and National Executive Committees. Craig is currently elected to the position of Recording Secretary for the NIAIA.

Chelle Ray
Website/Social Media Admin • Nashville, TN
Chelle began her career with the Nashville Sheriff’s Office (DCSO) in Nashville, TN, in 1991 as a correctional officer. She held various positions at the agency before becoming the first female DCSO investigator in 1997. That same year, she joined the NIAIA, and soon was appointed to the Executive Board. She served in various roles, including as NIAIA Vice President for 2002-2003, but lost regular contact with the Association in 2004.
Chelle was named Chief Investigator at the DCSO in 2012, and reconnected with the NIAIA that same year, resuming her role as an active member of the Executive Board. In 2018, Chelle was named the Director of Contract Services for the DCSO. In January 2022, she gave up her role related to contracts to focus on her longstanding position as DCSO's Policy Committee Chair, but continues her commitment to the NIAIA. She retired from full-time service in October that year, but continues her policy work on a part-time basis.
Chelle has an Associate of Science degree in Criminal Justice, a Bachelor of Science in Sociology with a concentration in Criminal Justice, and a Master of Science in Public Administration.

Bill Handley
Sponsor Coordinator • San Juan Capistrano, CA
Bill recently retired from the Los Angeles Airport Police (LAXPD) were he was a lieutenant assigned as the Officer in Charge of Training. Bill is a highly experienced internal affairs investigator who was assigned full time to his internal affairs unit for 10 years.
In 2014, Bill was awarded the Police Star by his agency, and was nominated for the NIAIA Investigator of the Year Award in 2015.
Prior to being elected as the NIAIA Regional Executive Committee Chairman in 2016, Bill was an NIAIA regional recruiter for his area. Bill has held several positions within the NIAIA, including Vice President, President, and Immediate Past President. He is currently the Sponsor Coordinator.
Bill is also currently an adjunct instructor for a university in the Southern California area teaching Criminal Justice and Homeland Security. He holds an MBA and a Bachelor’s degree in liberal arts.

Rod Massey
Recruiting Coordinator • Raleigh, NC
Rod graduated from Guilford College with a double major in Business Management and Finance, and then received his Master’s Degree from Methodist University in Justice Administration. He completed North Carolina State University’s Law Enforcement Executive Program (LEEP). He also completed all three FBI-LEEDA Management Courses and received the “Trilogy” Award. Rod began his law enforcement career with the Burlington Police Department. He served as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Juvenile Detective, Violent Crimes Detective, Arson Investigator, and Financial Crimes Detective until he was hired by the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation in January 2012.
Rod graduated from the 40th Special Agent Academy and received the Firearms Marksmanship Award. He was assigned to the Northern Piedmont District as an Arson Agent and worked general criminal investigations. He worked with ISAAC Fusion Center and was the Northern Piedmont District Field Liaison Officer (FLO) Coordinator from 2012 until 2019. In 2015, Rod was promoted to the Professional Standards Division and is responsible for working public corruption cases, judicial standards cases, internal affairs, evidence and district inspections. Rod was the recipient of the 2021 Director’s Award for Excellence and the 2021 NC Department of Public Safety Badge of Excellence Award for Public Service. In June of 2023, Rod was promoted to the Special Agent in Charge of the Professional Standards and Compliance Division of the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation.
Rod received his Advanced Law Enforcement Certification in 2009. He became a North Carolina General Instructor in 2011 and Specialized Firearms Instructor in 2018.

Karen Riggsbee
Administrative Liaison • Raleigh, NC
Karen began her career with the City of Raleigh in 1992. She held several line and detective positions within the police department. She was the lieutenant over major case squads (homicide, SVU, Financial Crimes, etc.) and Internal Affairs. As a lieutenant, she was tasked with creating the department’s Youth and Family Unit. Upon promotion to captain, she returned to Internal Affairs, where she was ultimately promoted to major and remained with the unit until she was promoted to deputy chief in 2018. Karen retired in 2020 with 30 years of credible service.
Karen joined the NIAIA Executive Board in 2012, and has served as the Recording Secretary, Second Vice-President, and served two terms as President, 2015-2017. She returned to the Executive Board in 2024, and currently serves as the Administrative Liaison.
Karen earned a Bachelor’s degree at East Carolina University and a Master’s degree in Criminal Justice at the University of South Carolina. She is a graduate of the Administrative Officers Management Program (AOMP) at NC State University and a graduate of the Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP) at Boston University. In addition to her service with the Raleigh Police Department, Karen has served as an adjunct instructor at North Carolina Wesleyan University, a NC Basic Law Enforcement Instructor, and a BLET curriculum reviewer with the NC Sheriff’s Association.